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LIFE is the missions arm of the WM Department of the Arkansas Assemblies of God.  We exist to supply our Arkansas AG missionaries' homes with needed household appliances and equipment. 


In 1951 Women's Ministries (Women's Missionary Council) was born in the heart of Etta Calhoun.  She had a passion to help missionaries through prayer, monetary giving, and supplying their needs.  


Today, the Women's Ministries of the Assemblies of God minister to women in the United States and across the world. 


Our Arkansas WM Department's missions arm is LIFE.  We want to equip the homes of our Arkansas missionaries so they can spend their time sharing the gospel with those to whom they have been called.  


We asked our Arkansas missionaries what they needed from our WMs. The overwhelming response was assistance with housing needs, such as, appliances, kitchen items, and other household items.


In 2017, we have a goal of raising $100,000 to equip the homes of our 58 missionaries!  To reach this goal, we need your help! 


In John 10:10, Jesus tells those around Him that He came so that those who trusted in Him might have life.  He went on to emphatically state, "and have it more abundantly."  We believe every person deserves that "abundant life" Jesus gives so freely.  LIFE's small part in world missions is to facilitate the call of our missionaries by easing their household burden. 


Every woman knows the importance of running a household, from having the cookware, to a stove; from needing sheets and towels to having beds and tubs and showers; and the list goes on.  For those of us who live in America, setting up our homes simply means a trip to Wal-Mart, Lowe's, or Target.  Our missionaries living overseas may have difficulty finding the items we take for granted.  Then, once the item is found, the price could be much higher than we can imagine.  All of these things take time and emotional energy.  It is our desire to make sure our Arkansas missionaries can transition as quickly as possible with everything they need.  


Please be sure to read our blog for updates on the projects we sponsor and the ways we are improving HOMES through LIFE!

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