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Thank you from the James Family

LIFE purchased a new wash and dryer for the James family!

Six months ago, we had no idea the change our lives would take. On April 3, I met with our son’s teacher at his mother’s day out. She said that she saw signs of autism in him and suggested we have him assessed. That very same day, we got a call from an area director in Europe asking us to join the Europe Link office and work with missionary development and missionary family life. It would require that we move to Springfield to work in that office and still maintain our missionary status. We prayed about it and believed that God was definitely behind this and also provided for our son, Samuel, before we even realized what he would need. After committing to this change, every professional who met with Samuel said that he needed to be in an English-only environment and that the care for autistic kids was better in America (their words, not mine). We didn’t have much time for this change. We had to pack up our house and sell all our appliances because they wouldn’t work when we got to America. We moved into our new house on September 11. We have had to buy all new appliances and other furniture since the house is a different size and not all our furniture made the move, which has been a strain. LIFE has been an amazing blessing to us by purchasing a washer and dryer, and therefore, taking that strain away and made it to where I can do my laundry any time I want. (Previously, I had to walk to a laundromat, which isn’t the end of the world, but it’s not too practical.) Many people wouldn’t enjoy doing laundry, but every time I put a load in, I can’t tell you how thankful I am to have this! Thank you so much for being such a blessing to our family and missionaries all over the world! Anita James

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